Quickstart installation

A docker-compose-quickstart.yml file is available to get the app up and running in minutes. It contains ‘convenience’ settings, which means that no additional configuration is needed to run the app. Therefore, it should not be used for anything else than testing. For example, it includes:

  • A default SECRET_KEY environment variable

  • A predefined database with the environment variable POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust. This lets us connect to the database without using a password.

  • Debug mode is enabled.

Getting started with Docker

  1. Download the docker-compose file:

    $ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/maykinmedia/archiefvernietigingscomponent/master/docker-compose-quickstart.yml -O docker-compose.yml
  2. Start the docker containers with docker-compose. If you want to run the containers in the background, add the -d flag to the command below.

    $ docker-compose up
  3. Create a super-user.

    $ docker-compose exec web src/manage.py createsuperuser



Loading the default roles could overwrite existing user accounts.

  1. Load the default roles, email contents and review answers:

    $ docker-compose exec web src/manage.py loaddata default_roles default_emails default_review_answers

    To learn more about the roles, emails and review answers, go here, here and here respectively.

  2. Navigate to and use the credentials created above to log in.

If you want to enable the demo mode, continue to Demo mode. You can also start configuring the application if you have no need for the demo mode.