Frequently asked questions

What exactly is deleted by the application?

The application is an interface on top of the API’s voor Zaakgericht Werken, as present in for example Open Zaak. If the application has the proper authorizations for the APIs and a destruction list with cases (zaken) is approved, the application will delete:

  • The cases in the Zaken API and all related objects within the same API, including the audit trail.

  • All documents (documenten) in the Documenten API, related to the deleted case if the document is not related to any other case. All related objects to the document within the same API are also deleted. If the document is related to another case, only the relation to the deleted case, is deleted.

  • All decisions (besluiten) in the Besluiten API, related to the deleted case. All related objects to the decision within the same API are also deleted.

Are things really deleted?

Yes! Deleting or destroying cases (zaken) will remove the record from the database. It’s not just a flag that is set on the deleted case.

I accidentally deleted a case, can I get it back?

No! Unless you have a backup of the data, you cannot undo a deletion or get the data back.